Grace’s First Flight

We just got back from my twin-brother’s wedding in Portland.  It was pretty amazing.  He got married on top of Mt. Hood.  We stayed in a cabin at Government Camp.  The day we got there, it was beautiful and not a single lift was open due to no snow.

That changed quickly.  The next day it started snowing and didn’t stop.  It was beautiful!  We had to go up to Timberline Lodge and then take Snow Cats up to Silcox Hut a couple thousand feet up the mountain from there.  It was an adventure!

The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time.  Grace never really got off of East Coast time so she kept going to bed around 5pm but would get up around 3:30-4:30am.  🙁

She did really well on her first flights.  On a stop-over in Chicago, I was taking photos of her when the pilot invited us up into the cockpit to take some photos.  I didn’t know they even did that any more.  Needless to say, it was pretty memorable for Grace’s first flight:

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